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January 25, 2010


Cathie Payton

Reading your Active Senior Living and LOVING ig. L O V I N G it, don't want it to end and enjoying every word.

I have a kindle and the best thing I've read since receiving it!

Also a BC survivor, thank you for writing about your challenges. You have hit the nail on the head about radiation, etc, the most close to my situation when I was going through it, thank you, THANK YOU!!

I too would love a sequal, and have told friends who do not have Kindles and live in other parts of the country about your book!

Your newest fan!

Ann Erdman

My dad took Tramadol. He called it the wonder drug. He took 1 1/2 pills four times a day. That's the dosage that worked best for him. It made his pain manageable without making him loopy. God bless you, my dear friend. I'll call you again soon.

B. Klahn

Sorry to hear of your latest bout with cancer. My husband has an excellent doctor at Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) that is currently treating him for carcinoid cancer. He is #2 expert in US for this type of cancer. The other is in the South. Might be worth a call to describe your tumor. 888-222-6478,Dr. R.F. Pommier. Apparently many liver tumors are carcinoids. Good luck. BK

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