Yeah, I know it's been awhile since I posted anything but really had nothing to say, things stayed much the same with me. But, thinking back, there are a few changes. For starters I have gained four pounds. That may not sound like a big deal to you, but for me, it is and was.
Yes, I still have the caregiver but now she is here from 8:30 a.m. to noon and then goes home for a few hours ,returns here at 4 and stays until 6. Used to be that she gave me a feeding at 9, noon, 4, and 7 but now that I am eating REAL food some times the feedings are just twice a day ,usually at 4 and then the one in the morning.
My cargiver is Filipino and loves to cook so shows up here mosts days carrying a little plastic bag filled with something she has prepared at her home for me because, " I worry about you gaining weight.."
Mostly she makes chicken and rice or beef and rice or shrimp and rice. Lots of rice but bet that contributed to my gaining weight.
Let's see, what else. Well, when I came home from the hospital I was fighting a lung infection on top of everything else and was on three antibiotics a day. After a month of that grueling routine ( and the stomach ache those pills caused) a culture showed that the infection had cleared up and I was able to stop the antibiotics.
Every time I had a doctor appointment the caregiver drove. I would day dream about driving again. The other day we had a little bank errand to run and I decided to drive. Was funny cus the caregiver did the sign of the cross and said a little prayer before I turned the motor on. I did fine and since then have driven one other time, too. So that's a hurdle passed.
I wasn't doing any reading. Was just too tired to read but have begun again and began with an old book, " Golden Boy ,The story of William Holden." ( 1983 and I got it from an out of print book shop)
I am really enjoying it because he lived in Palm Springs -- his house is a showplace high on the mountain ( right below Bob Hope's house) and there is lots in the book about his times in Palm Springs. I had remembered that he died cus while drunk fell and hit his head on a night stand and bled to death but hadn't realized what a major drunk the guy was. Pretty sad. The days before the Betty Ford Center so he would check into Desert Hospital or some hospital in Pasadena or a hospital just about anywhere and dry out for a few days. He also spent a lot of time at La Costa having massages and doing the spa treatments, all in an effort not to drink. That's also where he met Stefanie Powers. I already knew that because my friend Zetta Castle had introuced them to each other at La Costa and had told me that story years ago and then Stefanie told me that story herself when I had lunch with her in Palm Springs many years after Holden's death.
It was also interesting to read about the salary Holden would get back in the 50's and 60's. Nearly a million for a picture plus a share of the profits making him about the highest priced star. He had homes in Switzerland, Hong Kong... all over the place and of course his famous Mt. Kenya Safari Club which is still operating and now run by Ritz Carlton Hotels. He died in 1981 at the age of 63 and that was before I moved to the desert full time so never met him. I have met his son West Holden who does look like him and has that same voice. Not sure what ever happened to West. He was doing some little theater work in the desert but that's all I know. Will have to ask some people who know him. His mother Brenda Marshall ( Ardis Holden) also lived in Palm Springs and died young from throat cancer. Never met her, either. Probably passed her in the aisles at Ralph's super market and never knew it.
Okay ,back to me.... I haven't gone out socially. Wait, I take that back. On July 4th my son Lee came and got me, and my oxgen stuff, and drove me to daughter Karen''s in Westlake Village where we had a family reunion. All four of my kids were there so it was wonderful. I had decided the chances of me moving from here to some little house or condo are pretty slim and totally not even within reasonable thought now so told Karen to go to storage and get my good bone china and use it. Not only did she go get it , she used it for our family dinner. Was terrific to see my china again and to dine off it. Was really a special treat and it's wonderful t o know how happy Karen is to have it.
I think a lot about all the things I have in storage. All my photo albums with pictures dating back to my childhood but no room in here for them, so no looking at all those photos again. All my party photos, and my newspaper columns, are also in storage. Plus evening gowns which I doubt I shall ever get the chance to wear again.
I've been watching the Astor trial in NYC... fueled by my having loved the book , " Mrs. Astor Regrets". So I check in daily with the New York Post to get updates and compare Astor notes with my cousin Dave. This month Vanity Fair also has a story on the Astor trial.
While the rest of California, and even the Pacific Northwest have had heat waves ,Ventura has stayed cool. We have yet to hit anything over 75 this summer and ,in fact, today is so chilly here I have on my winter robe!
I think I have updated you on everything. My next doctor appointment is not until September and I'll have a PET scan then, too. Will surely try and get on here before then to say something, if nothing else, about some book I am reading.
Thanks for stopping here to read my news ,or lack of news.
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